Activities - Become a Naturalist
Record biodiversity
Take part in our actions and help searching for specific animals, insects, plants and invasive species.
Here below you will find some species we are looking for. To find out more about these species, click on the info icon "i" under the picture. There you will also find a description in order to better recognize the species.
Do you want to participate? Then note where you have seen one or more of these species. Select the species and click on the "+" symbol to enter your observation.
Observations are stored in the Museum's biodiversity database and made available to the public. This should make it easier for citizens to familiarize themselves with the topic biodiversity. These data allow to examine the distribution of species and to find out whether species have been declining. Protective measures can thus be better defined and adapted.
Contact: Tania Walisch
Animals in Luxembourg
ChiropteraA bat in your house!
Phoenicurus ochrurosBlack redstart
Lepus europaeusEuropean Hare
Salamandra salamandraFire salamander
Picus viridisGreen Woodpecker
Erinaceus europaeusHedgehog
Passer domesticusHouse Sparrow
Phoenicurus phoenicurusRedstart
Helix pomatiaRoman Snail
Anguis fragilisSlow worm
Sciurus vulgarisRed Squirrel
Insects in Luxembourg
Bombus pascuorumCommon Carder Bee
Tettigonia viridissimaGreat Green Bush-Cricket
Melanargia galatheaMarbled White
Vanessa cardui (=Cynthia cardui)Painted Lady
Mantis religiosaPraying Mantis
Coccinella septempunctataSeven-spot Ladybird
What's flowering where?
Scilla bifolia L.Alpine squill, Scilla
Papaver rhoeasCorn poppy
Centaurea cyanusCornflower
Primula veris L.Cowslip
Digitalis purpureaFoxglove
Leucanthemum vulgareOxeye daisy
Invasive species
Branta canadensisCanada goose
Ambrosia artemisiifoliaCommon ragweed
Myocastor coypusCoypu
Alopochen aegyptiacaEgyptian goose
Heracleum mantegazzianumGiant hogweed
Impatiens glanduliferaHimalayan Balsam
Ondatra zibethicusMuskrat
Procyon lotorRaccoon
Trachemys scripta elegansRed-eared slider
Pacifastacus leniusculusSignal crayfish
Orconectes limosusSpinycheek crayfish
Vespa velutina nigrithoraxYellow‐legged hornet
Fallopia japonicaJapanese knotweed