Polygonia c-album
The butterfly got its name for the white mark found on the underside of the hindwings. By the redbrown colour of its upperside it resembles the Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae), but the edges of the wings are jagged.
Did you know?
The Comma can be found on forest edges and in clearings. In the open landscape it is bound to the presence of copses and hedges. The larvae feed on the leaves of different woody species such as willow, hazel or currant bushes. Over the year, differently coloured forms of the Comma develop depending on the day-length.

Source: "Schmetterlinge entdecken, beobachten, bestimmen. Die 150 häufigsten tagaktiven Arten Mitteleuropas.“ Seggewiße & Wymann, Haupt Verlag.
Photo: C. Junck, F. Schoos